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5768-2008 Passover Guide
Pesach Foods & Wines, Seder, Erev Peasach on Shabbos, Bedikas Chometz
5768-2008 Passover Guide
Plus: Copepods, Honey, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Fish, "Shabbos Lite" Health Foods

First 6 Items in Passover Consumer Alert -

 Passover Alerts

1. Empire Chicken Breast Nuggets and Breaded Chicken Tenders (2 lb. and 4 lb. bags) have erroneously been labeled between August 16 through October 2007, as being KAJ-KP (Kosher For Passover). The product contains chometz (bread crumbs) and must be used before Pesach. Empire has initiated a recall from store shelves.

2. Raysheet Chianti (2004), Raysheet Rosso di Toscana (2004, 2005), Bianco di Toscana (2005), Rosso Relativo Toscana (2005) (products of Nobile Prima Wine Company, Empoli, Italy) bear an unauthorized �OU-P� symbol (unless affixed with an �OU� holograph sticker) and are being withdrawn from the marketplace.

3. In late spring of 2007, Tibuli Spices and Seasonings (Tibuli Inc., Miami, FL) bore a Kosher For Passover sticker. These products are �OU�-certified, but the �OU� does not stand behind the Kosher For Passover status, as some varieties contain kitniyos. Future Passover productions will be properly labeled. Verify before using for Passover.

4. Chazeh Barvad Meyuvash (Colber Co., France; imported by KP Imports, Ashdod) bears a claim to be kosher for Pesach certified by Badatz Lyon and to have the ishur of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. The Rabbinate does not give an ishur.

5. Manischewitz Tam Tam Crackers�Whole Grain Garden Herb (R.A.B. Food Group, LLC., Jersey City, NJ) is not being made this year. If found, they are properly labeled �OU-P-Kosher For Passover� despite the listing of �Passover Whole Wheat Flour� as an ingredient. In fact, the company is using Passover Matzo Meal, not flour. After the matzo is baked, it is mixed with cottonseed oil in the making of the Tam Tams. This product is gebroks.

6. F.M.V. Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips, in 12 oz. bags, distributed by Inter-American products with a sell date of Sept 07 2008 only, was erroneously labeled �OK-P�. The product is �OK Pareve� but is NOT kosher for Pesach.


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When Erev Pesach Comes On Shabbos by Rabbi Yosef Wikler -

This year, Thursday, April 17 will be the time for the fast of the first born in the morning and at night the time for the bedikas chometz which is said with a bracha and followed by the kol chamira as usual.

Chometz may be eaten Friday and Shabbos as well (until the appointed time Shabbos morning), and purchased all day Friday; however, we burn the chometz on Friday morning by the appointed time (but no kol chamira is recited) and the sale of chometz is done then as well.  Kol Chamira is not recited at the time of burning. Shabbos food should be Pesachdik and cooked in Pesachdike utensils, even if you are eating challoh with the meal.
Because this year Pesach will immediately  follow Shabbos, it is necessary to roast the egg and shankbone, and prepare the charoses on Friday for the seder.

Matza is not eaten this Shabbos and chometz, especially being around Pesachdike utensils, presents a serious problem for Kosher consumers. The following is recommended, but if it sounds too challenging, consult your rav.
Consider that we are doing two things simultaneously: eating cholloh rolls for the Hamotzi required for a seudas Shabbos and eating Pesachdike food because we do not want any leftover non-Peaschdike food. Even the chometz crumbs will need to be flushed in the toilet.
For Hamotzi use individual rolls. Look for those that do not produce crumbs easily. Some eat the rolls over tissues (not napkins), making it easy to flush them in the toilet. Use disposable utensils, dishes and tablecloths. They should be placed into the garbage can, with any leftover pieces of challoh flushed down the toilet. It is permitted to break them into smaller pieces before flushing. Care should be taken that all crumbs are flushed and not put into the garbage cans.
Kosher For Passover egg matzoh may be used for children may not be able to avoid spreading crumbs.
Shabbos morning the davening time is moved up so that the chometz used for the Hamotzi of the first day seudah will be eaten before the end of fourth hour of the day (based on shaos zmanios). When the remaining chometz has been flushed down the toilet and the disposable utensils, plates and tablecloths have been put into the garbage, we recite the second kol chamira and make all remaining chometz null replika klockor and void (hefker). Then we can return to finish our meal.
Shalosh Seudos presents a special problem. As it is the afternoon before Pesach, we cannot eat challoh nor matzoh. Some people may be able to have two seudos within the first four hours of the day. The rest of us can fulfill the third meal in the afternoon by eating any other foods (except those that will be served at the seder). If you eat gebroks on Pesach, you can have cooked matzoh meal products such as matzoh balls, but not products baked with matzoh meal. Even these must be consumed before the tenth hour.
At Kiddush, havdalah is included. There are special double wick candles that are ideal for this havdalah or one should take two other candles. Care must be taken that they do not join each other in a way that they cannot be separated again. Then they must be placed in holders.

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